A-tri Trul Khor - The Ligmincha 16

tsa lung trul khor 2880x1200

A-tri Trul Khor (The Ligmincha 16)

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Order summary

A-tri Trul Khor - The Ligmincha 16

If you are familiar with the Nine Breaths of Purification, the External Tsa Lung, and the 16 principal movements of the A-tri trul khor as taught within Ligmincha, you are welcome to join this practice and support group. You will have 90 days of access to: guided descriptions of all 16 Trul Khor movements, practice videos, and Rob’s live, weekly guided practice. The latter takes place almost every Sunday at 9:00 - 10:00 am New York time. There is also a chat function where you can ask questions, share experiences and keep in touch with other practitioners.

The monthly cycle for the live sessions is of more to less instruction. The first practice will provide full descriptions of the movements to support newer students and those with less experience. As the month progresses less instruction is provided. The last session may even be silent!

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