Course - Tibetan Yoga
The Nine Breaths
This FREE course provides all the knowledge and practice you need to quickly bring more energy, calm, and joy into your life. The practice can be done in as little as two minutes, and it is a great start and end each day. It is so easy and powerful that I (Rob) made this course specifically to give away. May it benefit many people.
Note: you do not need to complete the check out for this course. Just join my mailing list and you’re in.
Tsa Lung - The External Movements
These movements have supported the daily well being of many yogis for thousands of years, and they can do the same for you! Yoking breath, attention, and movement, they free up and balance the energies of body, speech and mind. In five movements, the tsa lung not only brings more energy and enthusiasm to our daily life, but it also releases challenging emotions, thoughts and our resistance to reality as it is.
All you need to know to learn these movements is the free nine breaths course. On the floor or a chair, super athletic or working mobility issues - these practices are absolutely amazing when done regularly over time.
A-tri Trul Khor - The Ligmincha 16
For those familiar with the Nine Breaths of Purification, the five Tsa Lung, and the sixteen movements of A-tri Trul Khor as taught within Ligmincha. A subscription provides 90 days access to guided tutorials for all 16 Trul Khor movements, practice videos, and Rob’s live, weekly guided practice. The latter takes place almost every Sunday at 9:00 - 10:00 am New York time.
Tibetan Yoga - Level 1
The first in a series of courses on the art and practice of Tibetan Yoga, Tsa Lung Trul Khor, the magical movements of the channels and winds. Deeply engaging the body, breath, mind and awareness, these practices bring us to higher states of self-realization, clear stale and negative energies, and lead to more stability, energy and joy.
This is a five week class that starts on Feb 01, 2025, and it has three live sessions. First session we will get acquainted and discuss basic strategies for succeeding in the practice of Tibetan Yoga. The second session will be a fully guided practice of the 16 movements. The third will be a Q&A/Capstone. You will have access to the course from the launch date until March 30, 2025.
Suitable for everyone! Traditionally done on the floor, Rob offers modifications for all levels, including performing all of the movements from a chair.