
A Rain of Blessings?

In 2021 we were blessed to spend several weeks in Costa Rica, right at the time of our wedding anniversary. Rob had written a card out ahead of time and brought it to give to Eileen. In it, he (very romantically) referred to their years together as a rain of blessings. Coincidentally (or not so coincidentally) Eileen's brother and his wife (Ray and Nina Crist) shared a song with us by their friends Deva Premal & Mitten. We listened to that song over and over during our stay. It's title: "Rain of Blessings" (Check it out HERE)! On our anniversary Rob gave Eileen his card using that same phrase. Eileen immediately saw the not so coincidental aspect of this, and as we talked about it, we realized that this was the name for our online yoga studio. 

And it's true. Our practice, our commitment to our practice, to recognizing and manifesting that highest aspect of the self that dwells within us all brought us together. It teaches us to open our hearts and minds to one another. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it pours! But if we are constant and steady in our practice and devoted to each other, it is always a blessing rain.