The ancient science of hatha yoga provides strength and flexibility to body, breath and mind. Through physical postures, regulation of the breath, energetic exercises and focused awareness, the discipline of yoga bestows the gift of freedom from unnecessary suffering. Instilling vigor and strength, yoga teaches us to listen to the inner voice of our own wisdom and intuition, which is also that of the world. 


Our Hatha Yoga Offerings

Eileen and Rob teach 90-minute live classes on Wednesdays and Saturdays on Zoom. In each class we'll take you through a complete practice - forward and backward bends, inversions, balancing and twists. We also select pranayamas, mudras and bandhas to complement the asana. As a general rule, Eileen teaches Wednesdays and Rob on Saturdays. But sometimes we switch.  

When you subscribe, you also get access to our on-demand class catalog. We have special, theme based classes available there. From elements based classes - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space - to classes for meditators and people who sit a lot to courses like "The Birds," where we run though many bird-based postures. 

Finally, we are developing a catalog of tutorials in which we guide you through some of the finer points of practice. Eileen is working on a series on the basics pranayama, mudra and banda exercises that we employ. And we will also have posture-based tutorials.  

Live & On-Demand Classes

We offer two 95 minute live classes each week via Zoom, on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:00 am New York time. We also have on-demand classes so that you can take at any time. 

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Check out  a recorded Class 

Here is a recent class from Eileen to get a feel for our classes. No account needed. 

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